international students at swarthmore college

International Student Advisor
Jennifer Marks-Gold
You can reach Jen at
jgold12 @ swarthmore.edu
She will be happy to help you with any questions or concerns you may have, from visa q's to homesickness.

Official club address

i20.swat @ gmail . com

Send anythiing i20 related to this address, whether it's photos, comments or questions, where you can reach both Majandra and Min Sern, plus the i20 board. Checked frequently.

2009-10 i20 co-presidents
You can always write directly to us too!

Majandra Rodriguez '12 from Peru is active in many student groups on campus and will be more than happy to answer any questions about the extra-academic life at Swat, and just about anything else.
mrodri1 @ swarthmore . edu

Min Sern Teh '12 from Malaysia is a SAM (Student Academic Mentor) and will be happy to answer any questions you have about courses or just about life at Swat. I also really like Pikachu!
mteh1 @ swarthmore. edu

2009-10 i20 board

TBD!(pending elections in the fall)

* * *
2008-9 i20 co-presidents

Michael Xu '11
  from China
xxu1 @ swarthmore. edu

Alice (Aly) Xiang '10  from China
axiang1 @ swarthmore . edu

2008-9 i20 board members
Public Relations Officers:
Adriana Popa '12 from Romania
apopa1 @ swarthmore . edu
Haichao Wu '12 from China

hwu2 @ swarthmore . edu

Jung Hyun Park '12 from South Korea
jpark20 @ swarthmore . edu
Min Sern Teh '12 from Malaysia
mteh1 @ swarthmore . edu


Lizah Masis '12 from Kenya

lmasis1 @ swarthmore . edu
Ecem Erserker '11 from Turkey
eerseke1 @ swarthmore . edu

Social Events Coordinators:
Weina Qiu '12 from China
wqiu1 @ swarthmore . edu

Natalia Cote '12 from Mexico
ncotemu1 @ swarthmore . edu