international students at swarthmore college

English Literature, World/Modern Literatures & Comparative Literature

iSAM Comparative Literature majors

Alice Xiang '10  (China)
axiang1 @ swarthmore . edu
Engl 1C: The Writing Process --Gladstein
Engl 9W FYS: Colonial/Postcolonial Encounters --Weinstein
Engl 22: Core: Literature of the English Renaissance --Johnson
Engl 76: The World, the Text and the Critic --Mani
Engl 90CC: Critical & Cultural Theory  --White
Engl 117: Literatures of Globalization --Mani (double-credit seminar)
Lit 70R: Translation Workshop --Forrester
Chin 25: Contemporary Chinese Fiction --Kong

Classes taken by iSAMs

Maithili Parikh '11  (India)

mparikh1 @ swarthmore . edu
Lit 15R: East European Prose in Translation
Russian Novel  -Pesenson

Andrew Loh '10 (Malaysia)
aloh1 @ swarthmore . edu
Engl 46: Tolkien & Pullman: Lit Roots

Ching-Chieh (Karen) Shen '11  (Taiwan)

cshen1 @ swarthmore . edu
Engl 9M FYS: Jane Austen, Cultural Critic
Hanne B. Brynildsen '11  (Norway)
hbrynil1 @ swarthmore . edu
Lit 15R: East European Prose in Translation