international students at swarthmore college

Sociology & Anthropology

iSAM majors

Frances Kvietok '10  (Peru)
fkvieto1 @ swarthmore . edu
Soan 12B: Exemplary Studies
Soan 3D FYS: International Human Rights/Local Culture
Soan 33C: Political Cultures of Africa

Courses taken by iSAMs

Gina Salcedo '10  (Ecuador)
gsalced1 @ swarthmore . edu
Soan 8E: Sociology of Law

Andrew Loh '10 (Malaysia)
aloh1 @ swarthmore . eduSOAN 009C: Cultures of the Middle East

Alice Xiang '10  (China)
axiang1 @ swarthmore . edu
Soan 10M: Food, Bodies and Power